Sri Shanmuga Gayatri

Lord Murugan is more popular deity in South India and the deity is more associated with Tamils. He is also worshipped by many other names, including Senthil, Saravana, Karttikeya, Arumugam or Shanmuga, Kumara, Guha, Skanda, Subrahmanya, Velan and Swaminatha. You can worship Lord Muruga an almost all Saivite Hindu temples. You find the Lord at the north west corner. There are many versions of the Gayatri Mantra. Sri Shanmuga Gayatri or Shanmukha Gayatri or Shanmugha Gayatri is one among them. It is praising Lord Muruga the supreme general of the Deva army. Recite this mantra on Tuesdays and Shashti days. It will have good effect when you recite the during fasting. You may chant it up to 27 times. Sri Shanmuga Gayatri

Thatpurushaya Vidhmahe
Maha Senaya Dhimahi
Thannah Shanmukha Prachodhayath

OM Let us know That Supreme Being and meditate upon Him,
The Supreme General of the great Deva Army:
Lord Shanmuga (Skanda),May He enlighten us and lead us to be One with Him.